Jacob and Faith

These two, let me tell you.

Jacob is three and a half and is undoubtedly the cutest older brother I've ever seen. He loves to show Faith the ropes, Legos are his passion, and takes his shoes off at any chance that presents itself.

Faith, miss smiles, is 16 months old and super interested in everything. She particularly likes to follow her older brother, rock really hard in the rocking chair, and look at her reflection in my camera lens. 

Thank you so much Sonja and Adam for letting me kick offf my Saturday with your adorable family. Enjoy! 

Linus, the English Setter

We are the proud new owners of a spunky little English Setter. His name is Linus though everyone keeps telling us he looks more like Falkor the Luck Dragon (Neverending Story, yes the epic fantasy film from 1984). He is full of energy, loves to cuddle and is extremely skeptical of any type of moving water. We brought him to one of our favorite Wisconsin spots for trout fishing over the weekend. Luckily we did not disappoint and were able to introduce him to his first trout. He is now known as Linus, the Trout Dog.